On 12 and 13 January 2019 the 43rd edition is going to take place. This tournament is for judokas from 12 up to 21 years in three age categories. About 2000 judokas from most European countries and countries like India, US, New Zealand and South Africa take part.
Look below for the details and registration form:
Indoor Sports Centre Eindhoven Bram Venemanlaan 1 Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Mr. Eddy Jongenelen: jbnzn.dwoc@gmail.com
We recommend to book rooms at the Van der Valk Hotel Eindhoven. They offer special Espoir tariffs: 1 room for 2/3 persons for €33,50/€28 p.p. (incl. tax, excl. breakfast). In order to book rooms, send a mail to reservations@eindhoven.valk.com and provide the promotional code EIN-GF107793. This accommodation is at 10 minutes walking distance from the Sports Centre.
Before, during and after the tournament transfer arrangements can be made. Check www.judotrainingcamp.nl/information/transfer for more details.
Like previous years, just after the end of the tournament, the International Judo Training Camp is going to be organized in the same venue where the tournament takes place. The camp is aimed at judoka´s who want to improve their overall performance and competition level. Recommended minimum age is 14 years. Check www.judotrainingcamp.nl for more details.
On 13 and 14 Januari 2018, the Southern district of the Dutch Judo Federation organized for the 42nd time the Matsuru Dutch Open Espoir Judo toernooi in Eindhoven.
Pictures of judokas and volunteers
Click here for the names of all winners
Judo Bond Nederland (JBN) heeft passie voor aikido, jiujitsu en judo en gelooft in de verbindende kracht van deze disciplines, die mens en samenleving versterken.