On 10 and 11 January 2026, the 48th edition of the Matsuru Dutch Open Espoir tournament will take place.
Several photographers, as a volunteer, make pictures during the tournament.
Sunday morning, more than 100 referees had to wait for a golden score match of 11 minutes before they could group together. The reason? The chairman of the Dutch Referee commitee, Henk Plugge, asked Bertus van Kemmeren to come forward. Bertus is the always friendly and joking referee, for exactly 50 years. Because of that, he gets a very exceptional award: the Dutch Federation Referee Hounary Award. See above the proud Bertus after getting this award.
The 47th edition of the legendary Matsuru Dutch Open Espoir judo tournament takes place on January 11 and 12, 2025, in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. More than 1450 judoka's have registered for the tournament! Note: it is not needed to wear a blue judogi.
Pim Smit (men only) and Joke Smit (years later: women included) are the founders (in 1976) of the Espoir tournament.
The club with de highest rankings from specific judoka's during two days receives the Smit Challenge Trophy award. There is also a club price for the 2nd and 3rd place.
Last year, at the end of the tournament, it became clear that 2 two Dutch clubs and one Belgian club won a Smit challenge price. However, no representatives of these clubs were available.
So just before the tournament will start on Saturday, around 9:20am, we will ask 3 club coaches to come to the podium to receive a Smit Challenge Club Trophy 2024 award!
If a club wants to go for the Smit Challenge Club Trophy 2025, then please get a form from the main jury, specify max. 5 of your best judokas, and hand-in this form to that same main jury before the start of the fights, daily at 9.30am.
Check this picture to get the layout of the Indoor Sport Centrum.
You automatically get a discount of 10% if you are using one of the following links to book a trip. This offer is valid from today until Tuesday:
This edition, the software tool JudoManager is going to be used to plan and run the tournament. If this tool is new for you, first check this one-page instruction.
Click here to get to the JudoManager portal of the Matsuru Dutch Open Judo tournament 2025. Use this tool also during the tournament, because it shows schedules, (real time) matches per judoka per mat and other details.
The address of the Indoor Sports hall: Theo Koomenlaan 1, Eindhoven
Especially on Saturday, also other events are nearby, so we recommend you, if possible, to use public transport or walk, from the Bastion or van de Valk hotel, to the Indoor Sports hall.
See this picture for more details.
If you arrive with your car, you must park in one of the following parking places:
P1 is the parking place next to the sports hall. It is free, but has limited capacity.
P2 is also free, but has also limited capacity.
P3 is a large, €4 per day (no cash!) parking garage. Open 24/7.. The address:
P+R Genneper Parken
Aalsterweg 316 Eindhoven
Please do not park on other places, because it is rather likely that you receive a penalty, or the site owner locks the parking place in the afternoon.
Just after the end of the tournament, on Monday 13 and Tuesday 14 January, the Judo Training Camp takes place.
This year the trainings are in a new location in Waalre. It is an 8 min drive from the Indoor Sportcentrum and a 5 min drive from the Van Der Valk hotel.
Check this version of the invitation and the training camp website for much more details. In case of any questions or remarks, please send a mail to training@espoirdutchopen.nl
For any remarks or questions please contact Mr. Eddy Jongenelen: info@dutchopenespoir.nl
For U15, U18 and U21, it's one of the largest and toughest tournaments in the world. Judokas from more than 20 countries take part.
Many Olympic and World champions started their international judo career at this judo tournament!
For much more details, check one of the invitations below.
Registration is possible until December 1st, 2024
The 46th edition of the almost legendary Matsuru Dutch Open Espoir judo tournament has taken place on January 13 and 14, 2024, in Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
For U15, U18 and U21, it's one of the largest (10 tatami's) and toughest tournaments in the world.
Many Olympic and World champions started their international judo career at our tournament!
In the 2024 edition, 1400 judoka's took part.
Dutch Open Espoir 2024 - Schedules and results U15 U18 U21
Pim (men only) and Joke Smit (years later: women included) are the founders (in 1976) of the Espoir tournament.
The club with de highest rankings during two days receives the Smit Challenge Trophy award. There are also prices for clubs with 2nd and 3rd place.
At the end of the tournament (Sunday at 5:30 pm), it became clear that 2 two Dutch clubs and one Belgian club won a Smit challenge price.
However, no representatives of these clubs were available. Let us see how we are going to deal with this situation. We keep you informed!
Yes: finally we succeeded in finding an organization who was willing and able to offer a training camp.
This organization, Top Judo Brabant, is an initiative of 4 large judoclubs from the southern part of the Netherlands.
The training camp is on Monday, January 15, immediately after the Espoir weekend.
The location (5 minutes walk from the Indoor Sport Center):
Essink sportschool, Toon Schröderlaan 2 in Eindhoven.
For more details about the training camp, check this.
It is possible to subscribe for the training camp until Sunday, January 14th.
if you are a coach of JBN members: use this link to subscribe. iDeal can be used for any payment.
If you are not a JBN member, please subscribe by sending a mail to voorzitter@judoberlicum.nl with
You'll get a reply mail with the total amount and the IBAN number to be able to pay for the training.
The nearby located Bastion hotel (20 minutes walk) offers a discount during the Espoir period.
To get that discount, check and book rooms here.
En voor de Nederlandstalige: boek hier.
The invitation for clubs that prefer the English language
De uitnodiging voor JBN clubs
Die Einladung auf Deutsch
L'invitation en Francais
De uitnodiging voor Nederlandstalige Belgische clubs
For any remarks or questions please contact Mr. Eddy Jongenelen: info.dwoc@jbn-zn.nl
The 45th edition of the Matsuru Dutch Open Espoir Judo tournament has taken place on 14 and 15 January 2023.
The Venue: Indoor Sports Centre Eindhoven, Bram Venemanlaan 1, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Next edition?
Yes! the 46th edition of the Matsuru Dutch Open Espoir judo tournament is going to take place on January 13 and 14, 2024.
Several photographers have published already many pictures. Check the list below for more links on short notice.
Check here for all results of the Matsuru Dutch Open Espoir 2023
Check here for 3 places where you can park your car.
Two parking places (P1, a small one and P2, a larger one) are free.
P3 (a large one) is a rather cheap parking garage: € 4 per day, and it takes 7 minutes to walk to the sports center.
Regarding the weigh-in:
Special announcements:
1. Due to the large number of judokas under 18, we are forced to move the category Women under 15 to Sunday.
2. This edition will take place after the Covid Pandemic. For us this is a moment to celebrate that we are back.
Therefore we offer all judokas at least 2 matches! So in stead of the Brazilian elimination system we will use double elimination for all age categories at this edition.
Before 10 December we will publish the detailed time schedule, that also includes the weighing times.
We have arranged special Espoir rates with the following two hotels:
Before, during and after the tournament transfer arrangements can be made, for example from the Koningshof hotel to the sports hall or from the airport or train station to the sports hall. Company Vangerwen will take care of any transport needs.
Contact company Vangerwen, preferably one day, or few hours, before you need a transfer (in a taxi, small or large bus)
Note: if you prefer to pay with PIN, please let Vangerwen know.
Training camp
This time the judo training camp will take place in a large sports center in Eindhoven. On Monday and Tuesday, January 16 and 17, judokas are welcome at 10 am and 6 pm. Costs are € 17.50 per training session, € 30 per day or € 50 for 2 days. To register judokas for this training camp, send an email to training.camp@dutchopenespoir.nl before December 1st
Invitations and registration forms
The invitation for clubs that prefer the English language
De uitnodiging voor JBN clubs
Die Einladung auf Deutsch
L'invitation en Francais
De uitnodiging voor Nederlandstalige Belgische clubs
For any remarks or questions please contact Mr. Eddy Jongenelen: info.dwoc@jbn-zn.nl
August 2020: in all countries in Europe Corona regulations remain active.
Organizing the Matsuru Dutch Open Espoir judo tournament means that we have to take measurements that drastically impact the maximum number of judoka’s. Besides that it's very unclear how many of you are willing to accept risks of travelling to Eindhoven in the Netherlands.
Because of the health risks for the judoka’s, the fans, the coaches, the referees and the other volunteers, and because of the financial risks, we have decided to cancel the 45th edition of the Matsuru Dutch Open Espoir judo tournament in January 2021 in Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
We are certain that this will be a one-off exception, and that in the weekend of January 8 and 9, 2022, a new edition of the gigantic Matsuru Dutch Open Espoir judo tournament will take place in Eindhoven.
We wish you a healthy and sporty start of the new season and we expect to meet each other again in 2022.
The 44th edition of the Dutch Open Espoir judo tournament 2020 has taken place on 11 and 12 January 2020 in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. It is one of the largest judo tournaments in the world in the age categories -15, -18 and -21 years.
NOTE: the 2021 edition is going to take place on 9 and 10 January 2021.
The 2020 edition has, with 1650 judoka's, again been a successful tournament. And there was one unique, historic, event: mr. Jan Snijders was promoted to 9th DAN Judo! Jan Snijders started many years ago with a white belt in..... Eindhoven. And on January 12, again in Eindhoven, mr. Felix Thieme (president JBN) and mr. Jos Hell (former president JBN) handed over the JBN and IJF 9th DAN certificate. Mr. Chris de Korte (9th DAN Judo) handed over the red belt to Jan Snijders.
See here for many action foto's on both days.
Check here, on Facebook, to see the awards ceremony on Saturday
Check here, on Facebook, to see the awards ceremony on Sunday.
Check here for the Espoir Magazine, with details about specific referee rules, clubs that took part, a map of the site and a map of the Indoor Sports Centre, etc.
The final results per poule/schedule:
Below the number of judokas per country (the Netherlands not included).
Check here how many and who per category has subscribed.
The venue:
Indoor Sports Centre Eindhoven
Bram Venemanlaan 1 Eindhoven
The Netherlands
The day after the tournament, the International Judo Training Camp starts in the same venue where the tournament takes place. It's for judokas who want to improve their overall performance and competition level. During 2 days, more than 250 judokas are expected. You can still take part!
go to www.judotrainingcamp.nl for more details or send an email to info@judotrainingcamp.nl
Before, during and after the tournament transfer arrangements can be made, e.g. from/to the train station in Eindhoven or from/to airports in Eindhoven and Schiphol Amsterdam.
Check www.judotrainingcamp.nl/information/transfer for more details.
The invitation for clubs who prefer the English language:
- Matsuru Dutch Open Espoir 2020 Eng Invitation
Die Einladung auf Deutsch:
- Matsuru Dutch Open Espoir 2020 De Einladung
L'invitation en Francais:
- Matsuru Dutch Open Espoir 2020 Fr Invitation
De uitnodiging voor JBN clubs:
- Matsuru Dutch Open Espoir 2020 Nl Uitnodiging
De uitnodiging voor Nederlandstalige Belgische clubs:
- Matsuru Dutch Open Espoir 2020 Be Uitnodiging
For any remarks or questions please contact Mr. Eddy Jongenelen: info.dwoc@jbn-zn.nl
On 12 and 13 January 2019 the 43rd edition of the Open Dutch Espoir Judo tournament took place. This tournament is for judokas from 12 up to 21 years in three age categories. 1750 judokas from most European countries and countries like US, New Zealand and Israel took part.
Judo Bond Nederland (JBN) heeft passie voor aikido, jiujitsu en judo en gelooft in de verbindende kracht van deze disciplines, die mens en samenleving versterken.